String Python Programs - Coderz*United

String Python Programs

String Operators

QuesWrite a program to input an integer and check if it contains any 0 in it ?

 n = int(input('Enter a number: '))

 s = str (n)

 if '0' in s :

     print("there's a 0 in",n)


    print('No 0 in',n)

QuesAn easy way to print a blank line is print(). However, to print ten blank lines, would you write print() 10 times ? Or is there a smart alternative ? If yes, write code to print a line with 30 '=' characters ?




Ques:  Write a program that asks a user for a user-name and a code.Ensure that the user does not use their username as part of their code ?

 uname = input('Enter user name: ')

 code = input('Enter code: ')

 if uname in code:

     print('Your code should not contain your user name.')

 print("Thank You")

Ques: Make sure that pcode does not contain username and matches Trident111' ?

 uname = input('Enter user name: ')

 pcode = input('Enter code: ')

 if uname not in pcode and pcode=='Trident111':

     print('Your code is Valid to proceed.')


     print('Your code is Not Valid.')

Ques:  Program that prints the following pattern wthout using any nested loop:  






 string = '#'

 pattern = ""

 for a in range(5):

     pattern += string


Traversing a String

Ques: Program to read a string and display it in reverse order-display one character per

line. Do not create a reverse string, just display in reverse order ?

 string1 = input('Enter a string: ')

 print('The',string1,'in reverse order is: ')

 length = len(string1) 

 for a in range (-1,-length-1,-1):


QuesProgram to read a string and display it in the form: 

  first character       last character

second character      second last character

      ...                       ...     ?

 string1 = input('Enter a string: ')

 length = len(string1)

 i = 0

 for a in range (-1,-length-1,-1):

     print(string1[i],'\t', string1[a])


String Slicing

QuesWrite a program to input two strings if string1 is contained in string2, then create a third string with the first four characters of string2, added with the word “Restore”?

 s1 = input('Enter String 1: ')

 s2 = input('Enter String 2: ')

 print('Original string: ',s1,s2)

 if s1 in s2:

     s3 = s2[0:4]+'Restore'

    print('Final String: ',s1,s3)

 else :

     print('Final String: ',s1,s2)

Ques: Write a program to input a string and check if it is a palindrome string using a string slice ?

 s= input ("Enter a String: ")

 if s==s[::-1] :

     print(s,"is a Palindrome.")


     print(s,"is not a Palindrome.")

String Function and Methods

Ques:Program that reads a line and prints its statistics like : ?

 line = input('Enter a line: ')

 lowercount = uppercount = 0

 digitcount= alphacount = symcount = 0

 for a in line:

     if a.islower():

         lowercount += 1

     elif a.isupper():

         uppercount += 1

     elif a.isdigit():

         digitcount += 1

     elif a.isalnum() != True and a != ' ':

         symcount += 1

 print("Number of uppercase letter: ", uppercount)

 print("Number of lowercase letter: ", lowercount)

 print("Number of alphabets: ", uppercount+lowercount)

 print("Number of digits: ", digitcount)

 print("Number of symbols: ", symcount)

Ques: Program that reads a line and a substring. It should then display the number of occurrences of the given substring in the line ?

 line = input ( "Enter line :" )

 sub = input( "Enter substring :" ) 

 length = len(line)

 lensub = len(sub)

 start = count = 0

 end = length

 while True :

     pos = line.find(sub, start, end)

     if pos != -1 :

         count += 1 

         start = pos + lensub 

     else :


     if start >= length :


 print ("No. of occurrences of",sub,":",count)

Ques: Write a program that inputs a stning that contains a decimal number and prints out the decimal part of the number. For instance,If 515.8059 is given,the program should print out 8059 ?

 s =input("Enter a string (a decimal nmuber ): ") 

 t = s.partition( '.')

 print("Given string:", s) 

 print("part after decimal", t[2]) 

Ques: Write a program that inputs individual words of your school motto and joins them to make a string. It should also input the day, month and year of your school's foundation date and print the complete date ?

 print( "Enter words of your school motto, one by one") 

 w1 = input ("Enter word 1: ")

 w2 = input("Enter word 2: " ) 

 w3 = input( "Enter word 3: ") 

 w4 = input("Enter word 4: ")

 motto=" ".join( [w1, w2, w3,w4 ] )

 print( "Enter your school's foundation date: ") 

 dd = input("Enter dd: ")

 mm = input("Enter mm: ")

 YYYY = input("Enter yyyy: ")

 dt = "/".join( [dd, mm, YYYY])

 print("School motto : " ,   motto)

 print("School foundation date:  ",  dt)

Ncert Solutions

Ques: Write a program to convert a string with more than one word into title case string where string is passed as parameter. (Title case means that the first letter of each word is capitalised) ?

 s = input("Enter a string : ")

 print ( "String With Title Case is : ", s.title( ))

Ques: Write a program which takes two inputs one is a string and other is a character. The function should create a new string after deleting all occurrences of the character from the siring and return the new string ?

 s = input ("Enter a string :")

 c = input ("Enter a character :")

 print( "String With deleted characters is: ")


Ques: Input a string having some digits. Write a program to calculate the sum of digits present in this String ?

 s = input ("Enter a string : ")

 dsum = 0

 for a in s:

     if  a.isdigit():

         dsum += int(a)

 print( "Sum of  string's digits is ",dsum)

Ques: Write a program that takes a sentence as an input where each word in the sentence is separated by a space. The function should replace each blank with a hyphen and then print the modified sentence ?

 s = input ("Enter a string :")

 print ("Replaced  5tr  i ng is:")

 print (s. replace('','-'))

Practice Problems

Ques: Write a program that takes a string with multiple words and then capitalizes the first letter of each word and forms a new string out of it ? 

 string = input ( "Enter  a  string : ")

 length = len(string)


 end= length

 string2 = ''    #empty string

 while a < length :

     if  a== 0 :

         string2 += string[0]. upper()

         a+- 1

     elif (string[a] =='' and string[a+1] !='') :

         string2 += string[a]

         string2 += string[a+1]. upper()

         a += 2


         string2 += string[a]

         a += 1

 print("Original String : ",string)

 print("Capitalized word String",string2)

Ques: Write a program that reads a string and checks whether it is a palindrome string or not without using string slice ?

 string = input ( "Enter  a  string  : ")

 length = len(string) 

 mid = length//2

 rev = -1

 for a in range(mid):

     if  string[a] == string[rev] :

         a += 1

         rev -= 1

         print (string, "is a palindrome")



         print (string, "is not a palindrome")


Ques:  Write a program that reads a string and display the longest substring of the given string having just the consonants ?

 string = input( "Enter a string : "

 length= len(string)


 maxlength = 0

 maxsub = ''


 lensub = 0

 for a in range(length):

     if string[a] in 'aeiou' or string[a] in 'AEIOU':

         if lensub > maxlength :

             maxsub = sub 

             maxlength = lensub 


             lensub = 0


         sub += string[a]

         lensub = len(sub)

 print("Maximum length consonant substring is : ", maxsub, end=" ")

 print('with', maxlength,'characters' )

Ques: Write a program that reads n string and then prints a string that capitalizes every other letter in the string  eg-> passion becomes pAsSiOn ?

 string = input( "Enter a string :"

 length = len (string)

 print ("Original string :", string)

 string2 = " "   # empty string 

 for a in range(0, length, 2):

     string2 += string[a]

     if a< (length-1) :

         string2 += string[a + 1].upper()

 print ("Alternatively capitalized string :" , string2)

Ques: Write a program that reads email-id of persons in the form of a string and ensures that it belongs to domain (Assumption : No invalid characters are there in email-id) ?

 email = input( "Enter your email id : " )

 domain = ''

 ledo = len(domain)

 lema = len(email)

 sub= email[lema-ledo : ]

 if  sub == domain :

     if ledo != lema :

        print ("It is valid email id")


         print ("This is  invalid email ld- contains  just  the domain name.")


     print('This email-id is either not valid or belongs to  some other domain')

Ques:  Write a program that asks the user for a string s and a character c; and then it prints out the location of each character c in the string s ?

 s = input('Enter some text: ')

 c = input( 'Enter a character: ')

 print("In", s, "character", c, "found at these locations: ",end="")

 forin   range( len(s) ):

     if s[i] == c:   

         print(i, end=",")

Ques: Write a program that asks the user for a string and creates a new string that doubles each character of the original string. For instance, if the user enters Coderz*United, the output should be CCooddeerrzz**UUnniitteedd ?

 s = input('Enter a string : ')

 ds = ""

 for c in s :

     ds = ds + c*2


 print("Doubled string:", ds)

Ques: Write a program that inputs a line of text and prints its each word in a separate line. Also, print the count of words in the line ?

 s = input("Enter a line of text :"

 count = 0

 for word in s.split():

     print( word ) 

     count += 1

 print("Total words : ", count)

Ques: Write a program to input a string and check if it contains a digit or not ?

 strg = input( "Enter a string :")

 test = False

 dig = "0123456789"

 for ch in strg:

     if ch in dig:

         print("The string contains a digit.a")

         test= True 


 if test == False:

     print("The string doesn't contain a digit.")

Ques:  Write a program to input an address containing a pincode and extract and print the pincode from the input address ?

 add = input("Enter text:")

 i = 0

 ln= len(add) 

 while i < ln:

     ch = add[i]

     if ch.isdigit():

         sub = add[i:(i+6)]

         if sub.isdigit (): 



     i += 1